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Life-Service Legacy Lives On!

Life-Service Legacy Lives On!

Mount Hermon counts generations of providential “legacy” relationships, among countless beneficiaries of God’s transformational work. Those who the Lord has affected here in this “holy place” know how the Spirit tugs on our souls to return again and againto participate, to give, and to invest with life-service.

This is most wonderfully seen in the many selfless lives of consistent, front lines Volunteer Partners. They serve in significant roles, moving this ministry forward nearly every day throughout the year. Our camp and conference effectiveness is directly attributable to the 20,000 hours of service these dear friends give each year.

They serve, not just to fill a spot, or do a task, or meet a need. They’ve found in their own lives the grand blessing of being at the center of the drama the Lord unfolds here through Christian camping! Volunteers fill vital roles, enabling, supporting and sustaining the very core of what God accomplishes at Mount Hermon. Unless you squint to see “Volunteer” on their name badge, you’ll think they’re on our staff.

Well…they ARE!!

Linda Pyle, our new Volunteer Partner Coordinator, leads this committed team. A graduate in International Ministries from Moody Bible Institute, Linda (with husband Randy) ministered for 25 years in Albania and Kosovo. Linda has a sensitive servant heart and winsome leadership skills that bless Mount Hermon.

We’d all be blessed to partner with you as a volunteer too, to help you build your own legacy of service at Mount Hermon.

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